At Five Elements Healing Center we believe that every individual deserves to be healthy, have the energy to do what they love and find pleasure in their life. We believe we are always transitioning whether we do it with intention or just let it happen. We incorporate the suggestion of "salkapa" so we can hear that small voice inside. This emanates the deliberate version of creating the kind of life that brings us the most pleasure without creating pain or suffering toward ourselves or others.
We use food, pranayama (breathing techniques) and yoga postures to assist the body as it moves into wellness. We use herbal remedies and meditation techniques to deal with stress, insomnia, anxiety disorders, digestive disorders and chronic pain. We address chronic health issues with a holistic approach. We believe it is in our nature to heal. Practicing ayurveda can bring peace and wellness.
Ayurvedic Medicine creates the distinction between the person as a whole unit, versus as a disease. Ayurveda provides a proactive approach to health which includes not only the status of the physical body but encompasses the condition of the mind and emotions as well. Ayurveda is the science of self-healing asserting the belief that our health can change and we can access the ability to heal. This ability is within each one of us. Together we work toward an understanding of how the five elements in nature work within us. Accessing the individual constitution and specific imbalances, we discover a healthy way to approach the demands of and movements through our life. We will design a program that returns the body and mind to a balanced state.
Lorraine's interest in healing began when she was a child. She assisted her neighbor in caring for the farm animals. She attended to stray and hurt animals and at a young age learned the powerful effect of touch. A fascination grew when as a teenager her baby brother was born and he had breathing problems. She sought to understand the delicate nature and influence of touch particularly when the body is overstressed by illness and often simply through natural transitions. During her 20 year career as a Surgical Technician she became aware of the calming effect of touch on patients in the Operating Room. Massage therapy has been used for thousands of years to aid the body in activating the part of the brain that increases endorphins in the body. Endorphins, mood elevators and pain modulators are chemicals released within the body during massage. Touch has a pure and powerful influence on the nervous, lymphatic, circulatory and respiratory systems. Her practice thrives with the intention to bring calmness and clarity to her community.
Ayurvedic Philosophy values food as medicine. We will learn which types of food bring us the most value, using the six tastes within each food and the contribution they make to proper digestion of food, thoughts and feelings. Vibrant Health is measured by what you think, about yourself and others, what you feel and how you’re live. Ayurveda creates an individual plan for your specific needs. It teaches you how to obtain the sense of feeling good about whom you are, what you do and how you interact with others. You will learn daily routines that honor and respect your body. You will discover how crucial the time we awaken is and its contribution to feeling happy during the day or living with fear, fatigue and regret.
I love to watch the moon
As the darkness simmers more deeply into the night
I love the darkness
For it offers us shadows, that daylight shines away
I love to watch the blacks and grays of the trees
As the wind blows, the branches dance on their pointing edges
I love to watch the moon
It speaks to us about hope, a promise that the light will return to us
Single trees in the darkness become one tree
The light of the moon becomes one big star
When we stop, when we watch, when we allow our shadows to simmer within
We allow all of nature to have a voice, a chance to do what it came to do
Not just for us, but for every living thing
I love to watch that moon
For each night it offers a different brightness
We are like that moon, we are lights, we are always flickering
Lorraine Cannatta
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